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learn dutch onlineInburgeringsexamen Buitenland, MVV Exam, KNS, TGN

Today we will start with how to apply for MVV exam or Inburgeringsexamen Buitenland.

1. submit your information to the Application form Civic Integration Examination Abroad click here.
2. soon you will recieve an email details you submitted and how you can pay for the examination ( 350 Euro)
3. check whether the cost have been paid by the referee and remember your candidate number which shown in subject head of the email.
4. make an appointment for your exam at The Netherlands embassy in your country.
5. on the day of the exam bring your passport and be on time.
6. at the embassy you will have a form to put your detail then they will copy your passport, make the finger prints and a photo of you.
7. then now they will bring you headset and instruction of the exam.
What is going on during the exam?

The Inburgeringsexamen Buitenland has two parts:

Part 1. Knowledge of the Dutch Community (KNS - Kennis van de Nederlandse Samenleving)
This part is consists 30 out from 100 pictures. You will see the photo and hear the question. All you have to do is practise to remember the pictures, questions and answers.
The photobook can buy from here and also you can get free 3 TIN-codes to exercise the second part or you can dowload from here.

Part 2. Test Spoken Dutch (TGN - Toets Gesproken Nederlands)

There are sub-divided in this part:

1. Repeat phase or sentenses (Nazeggen) - You will hear "U hoort steeds een zin. Zeg de zin precies na. Bijvoorbeeld, een stem zegt; 'Dat is een mooi verhaal'. En u zegt; 'Dat is een mooi verhaal' ".
(meaning - you will hear a sentence. Repeat the sentence exactly. For example, system says; That is a nice story. Then you say; that is a nice story).

2. Answer short questions (Vragen) - You will hear introduction "U hoort steeds een korte vraag. Geef op elke vraag een kort antwoord. Bijvoorbeeld, een stem zegt; 'Is januari een dag of een maand?'. En u zegt; 'maand'. Nu is het uw beurt. Luister naar de vraag en geef dan antwoord".
(meaning - you will hear a short question. Then you give the answer, for example, system says; 'Is January a day or a month?'. Then you answer; 'month'. Now it's your turn. Listen to the question and answer).

3. Give the opposite (Tegenstellingen) - You will hear introduction ''U hoort steeds een woord. U zegt het tegenovergestelde. Bijvoorbeeld, u hoort; 'hoog'. Dan zegt u; 'laag'. Nu is het uw beurt. Luister naar het woord en zeg het tegengestelde woord".
(meaning - You will hear a word, then you will say an opposite word. For example, you will hear; 'high', you will say; 'low'. Now it's your turn. Listen to the word and say the opposite word).

4. Repeating two short stories (Verhalen navertellen) - You will hear introduction "U hoort korte verhalen. U moet het verhaal navertellen. U krijgt daarvoor 30 seconden. Vertel zoveel mogelijk. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan; 'wie deden er mee, wat gebeurde er, waar was het en hoe liep het af'.
(meaning - you will hear short stories. You will have to repeat the story. You will get 30 seconds for this. Tell as much as possible. Example, think about; 'who where when why').

Tips for the exam:

1. for picture part, try to remember all pictures and answers. you not need to remember all the questions, but practice to get familiar with it.
2. speak loud, slowly, clearly and not too soft.
3. practise a lot with your partner or someone who speaks dutch.
4. watching dutch language tv, films, songs or dutch radio to get familiar with their pronunciation. This helps you to repeat what they say and your Listening skills.
5. not need to understand their gramma or all dutch words's meaning, this waste time just practise and remember.
6. during the examination, concentrate with voices from the system and speak as much as you can remember.
7. give atleast 21 pictures correct for KNS and 16 points for TGN. You will have to pass both of them so you will passed, but possibly changing passing score for TGN will rised to 26 points in 2011.

Good luck for the exam. I belive that everyone can do, by the way next coming post I will put some useful example of KNS, Nazeggen, Vragen, Tegenstellingen and Verhalen navertellen.