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learn dutch onlineDe persoon - Dutch personal subject pronoun

When you say 'Ik ben Sara - I am Sara', Ik and I are personal subject. In every sentence includes subject.
In Dutch called onderwerp(subject) or persoonlijk voornaamwoord (personal pronoun), you can see in the table below:

Singular (enkelvoud)                      Plural (meevoud)

I                       ik                                  we                 wij/we
you                   jij/je                            you                 jullie           
you(polite)       u                                 you                 u             
he                     hij                               they               zij/ze
she                   zij/ze               
it                      het

Let op:
a woman  = zij
a girl = zij          
a man = hij                    
a jongen  = hij
Karim = hij
Jenny = zij
Peter and Jenna =  zij
Paula and I = wij
a boek, a dog = het

1.  Jij/je, zij/ze and wij/we is compare to English you/ya.
2. Jij and jullie are more familiar than u, u is used to show respect. Jij and jullie are used with friend, family or people you know. Jullie is point to people you talk to more than one person.

Peter, waar woon jij?   - Peter, where do you live?
Waar woont u, meneer Jacob?   -   Where do you live, Mr. Jacob?
Waar wonen jullie?  - Where do you live? (ask toward 2 person or a group of person)
Waar woont u, meneer en mevrouw Smith?  -  Where do you live, Mr. and Mrs. Smith?