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learn dutch onlineDag en Hallo....How are you?

Teach Yourself Dutch: Complete Course (Teach Yourself Language Complete Courses) (Dutch Edition)

To greet in dutch can use:

Hallo     -     Hello.
Dag     -     Hello/Hi
Goedemorgen     -     Good Morning.
Goedemiddag     -      Good Afternoon.
Goedenavond    -    Good Evening.
Hoi     -     Hi.

After these sentenses you may ask or introduce yourself, but for person your find on the street, shop, or just walk pass eachother only say above words is good.

Hoe gaat het ?    -    How are you?
ans:  Goed. En jij?     -     Good and you?

Hoe gaat het met jou?     -     How are you?
ans: Goed. En met jij? - Good and how about you?

Hoe is het ?    -     How are things going?
ans: Goed. En jij?   -   Good and you?

Alles goed?    -     Everything fine/good?
ans: Goed. En jij?    -    Good and you?

Ik heet Micheal en Hoe heet jij?   -     I am Micheal and you are?
ans: Ik heet....

Goed?      -     Good?
ans: Ja, Dank u wel.     -     Yes, thank you.
