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learn dutch onlineDutch words for pregnancy to delivery (Nederlands voor zwangerschap)

Ben je zwanger? Gefeliciteerd!..yes I am pregnant. It's not easy to have and rise a baby in another country which using different language. Here in Holland, most of people can use very good English but they always prefer to speak their own language. So it's not easy to a-mother-to-be like me. Everytime I have to prepare some new dutch words that concern to the pregnancy conversation. Below are some useful words that may help you.

Who and where to meet and talk to when you are pregnant
huisarts = doctor
de dokter = doctor
de verloskundige = midwife
verpleegkundige = nurse
gynaecoloog = gynecologist
kraamzorg = maternity care
kraamverzorgende = maternity nurse
consultatiebureau = maternity centre
GGD = municipal health and medical
thuiszorg = home care
verzekering = insurance
verzekeraar = insurance agent / insurance company
zorgverzekering = health insurance

About mother life (Controles tijdens de zwangerschap)
zwangere vrouwen = pregnant women
lichamelijke en emotionele veranderingen = body and emotional changes
gezondheid = healthy
leefomstandigheden = living conditions
het bloedonderzoek = blood examination
menstruatie = menstruation / period
vruchtwater = amniotic
baarmoeder = uterus
moederkoek = placenta
echo = ultrasound
het hartje klopt = the heart beats
hartslag = heartbeat
bloeddruk = blood pressure
gemeten = measure
hemoglobinegehalte (Hb) = hemoglobin
bloedcellen = blood cel
bloedarmoede = anemia
bloedtransfusie = blood transfusion
bloedgroep = blood type (A, B, AB, of O)
Rhesus-D-factor = checking matter of heredity positive or negative
rode bloedcellen = red blood cel
prenatale screening = prenatal screening
combinatietest = combination test for Down Syndrome
nekplooimeting = nuchal translucency for Down Syndrome
vruchtwaterpunctie = amniocentesis for Down Syndrome
de bevalling = delivery / give birth
zwangerschapscursus = pregenancy course
de cursusleidster = course leader
zwangerschapsverlof = maternity leave
thuisbevalling = giving birth at home / home delivery
bevalling in het ziekenhuis = giving birth in hospital
verwachting = expectation
zekerheid = certainly
bescherm = protect
blaas = bladder

Vitamins and food (Vitamines en Voeding)
foliumzuur = folate
vitamine = vitamin
ijzer = iron
eiwit = protein
aardappel = potato
eiren = eggs
peulvrucht = legume
groente = groente
zuivelproducten = dairy products
vlees = meat
vis = fish
geen rauwe melk = not drink raw milk
gepasteuriseerde melk = pasteurized milk
kazen = cheese
fruit = fruit

Taking care a baby (Het verzorgen van een baby)
huilen en troosten =  crying and comfort
moedermelk = milk from mother
borstvoeding =  breastfeeding
groeit = grow
pasgeboren baby = newborn baby
vaccinatie = vaccination
kinkhoest = whooping cough
tetanus = tetanus
polio = polio
Hib Ziekten  = Hib Disease
pneumokokken = pneumococcal
bof = mumps
mazelen = measles
meningokokken C = meningococcal
het hielprik = blood taking from newborn baby

Problem and special pregnancy (Klachten tijdens de zwangerschap)
misselijkheid = sick from pregency
overgeven = vomit / throw up
moeheid = tiredness
pigmentvlekken = spots on face from pregnancy
vaak plassen = frequent urination
blaasontsteking = urinary infection
syfilis = syphilis
hepatitis  B = Hepatitis B
hiv. = aids
pijnstilling = analgesiate
vroeg geboren = premature
miskraam = abortion
abortus =  abortion
schadelijk = harmful
suikerziekte = diabetic
taaislijmziekte = Cystic Fibrosis
downsyndroom = Down Syndrome
hartafwijkingen = heart disease
anemie = anemia
waterpokken = chicken-pox
rode hond = rubella
toxoplasmose = toxoplasmosis (parasite that come from a cat)
roken = smoke
aambeien = hemorrhoids
persen = press / squeeze
bloedverlies = blood loss

maagzuur = heartburn from stomach acid
harde buiken = Braxton Hicks
bekkenpijn = pelvic pain
rugpijn / rugklachten = back pain
spataderen = Varicose Veins
ontsteking = inflammation
vaginale afscheiding = vaginal discharge
verstopping = constipation
soa = sexually transmitted diseases