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learn dutch onlineDifference between Inburgeringsexamen Staatsexamen

In the Dutch language you can learn at different levels. We know the following levels:

Niveau A0 - Absolute Beginners
Has no knowledge of the Dutch language.

Niveau A1 - Basic User
This level be familiar with everyday expressions and simple sentences in relation to concrete needs to understand and use. They can ask and answer about personal details. They can understand in easy way of talk with the other person. Talking slowly and clearly is a good prepared to help them.

Niveau A2 - Basic User (Inburgeringsexamen)
They can understand phrases and expressions common understanding on issues of immediate relevance (eg personal, family, shopping and work). They can communicate in everyday situations on familiar and routine matters. You can be aspects of their background, their immediate surroundings, their immediate need.

Niveau B1 - Independent User (Staatsexamen Program I)
They can understand the main points of standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, and so on. Can deal with most situations likely to arise during a journey through the language. They can produce simple connected text on familiar topics or topics of personal interest due. They can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Niveau B2 - Independent User (Staatsexamen Program II)
They can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their specialization. They are such fluency and spontaneity with native speakers, that it neither side is difficult. They can produce clear, detailed text on various topics. They can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Niveau C1 - Proficient User
They can understand a variety of difficult and longer texts. Recognize implicit meaning. They can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. They can use language flexibly and efficiently for social, academic and professional goals. They can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, with a balanced text structure, a clear correlation and good use of compound words.

Niveau C2 - Proficient User
They can easily understand everything when they heard or read. Also can summarize the information from different spoken and written sources during reconstruct arguments and explanations. They can themself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations. This is the language level that close to a educated native speaker.

In order to pass the naturalization exam, you must pass at level A2 or get the Inburgeringsdiploma. This level means you know well enough to live in everyday life in the Netherlands. Example, you can join or go around with your society life, help your children with their homework, work and go to the doctor.

If you would like to follow your professional study or work. Then you can get some additional language learning in your field and start a vocational training. Then you can choose to directly to a professional start. You can follow extra lessons in your field.

To follow a college degree or study at university (hbo-opleiding) is a B2 level or Staatsexamen program I.

Inburgeringsexamen is easier than Staatsexamen, it takes shorter time to learn and the examination is not so difficult. While Staatsexamen is a lot to do with reading and writing. Especially focus on grammatical.